My Latest Articles
- Infrastructure management for several high-traffic PHP applications — 2023-09-01
- The Polyglot Stack — PHP & GoLang — 2023-11-08
- Defensive programming: the byzantine generals problem — 2023-02-08
- The six-dollar VPS — 2023-06-01
- Common issues that cause Laravel's queue workers not to restart — 2020-11-08
- Avoiding memory leaks when running Laravel's queue workers — 2020-10-08
- Job batching in Laravel: How it works — 2020-07-09
- Laravel queue workers: How they work — 2019-02-08
My Books
Laravel Queues in Action
Learn how to use Laravel's queue system to make your applications faster and more reliable while reducing running costs.
PHP to Go
Learn GoLang from a PHP developer's perspective. This book will help you write GoLang code that feels familiar to PHP developers.
Contact Me
To discuss projects or ideas, or for support, you can reach me on Twitter/X at @themsaid. Or you can send me an email at [email protected].